1. Treating Podcasting as a Social Media Account
Although podcasts are marketed through social media channels, like facebook or instagram, it actually is its own channel entirely. It is both media and marketing, and therefore creates a different relationship with the listener. Audio occupies a much more intimate space than video or any other modality. For that reason, listeners are quick to remain loyal and similarly, quick to leave if there is not enough value or if the audio quality is sub-par. Therefore, quality matters in terms of the content, equipment and post production process. Top 3 Mistakes Podcasters Make 1.
2. Starting Before They’re Actually Ready
Because the barrier to entry is so low, most businesses are trying to gain traction in a saturated market. Their approach is one based on speed, rather than quality. Creating a cohesive strategy from the beginning is more compelling and cost effective. The best way to do this is to start with the end in mind and hire the right team to help you.Most businesses struggle with this process because they are too close to their own story to understand their unique selling proposition, and do not have enough knowledge about their audience to make their stories both entertaining and valuable. Enlisting the support of a strategist is the best way to do this right the first time. Top 3 Mistakes Podcasters Make 2.
3. Not Knowing What to Measure
If businesses or brands decide to invest in podcasting as a strategy, they will find difficult in accessing information on what works and what does not so they are entering unfamiliar territory at a disadvantage. Due to the lack of accessible public information, the metrics are almost impossible to measure. Working with a podcasting network allows that information to be readily available and easily digestible. Networks provide timely data so each business can amend quicker than the average podcast and move in the direction of more successful strategies. This helps the shows grow faster in terms of ROI. Top 3 Mistakes Podcasters Make 3.