Cherie Mathews – View From Venus S01:E02


What you’ll hear in this episode

  • How Cherie Mathews came up with the idea for Heal in Comfort
  • Bootstrapping a business
  • Empowerment
  • Pairing ELI technologies with Heal in Comfort

Cherie B. Mathews is the founder and CEO of Heal in Comfort. Mathews is no stranger to inventing having worked for IBM and as a computer engineer, but after her battle with breast cancer, Mathews turned her attention from technology to invent a product she was shocked didn’t exist. While a quarter of a million women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, there isn’t standard aftercare for mastectomy patients. If you have a sprained ankle you get a brace, but they are sent home with nothing. Mathews founded Heal in Comfort with the purpose of helping post-op cancer patients and allow women to heal in dignity and comfort.

Mathews began the business with just $1,000. She’d never worked with clothing before, in fact, she failed home-ec, but she tried and tried to build a prototype until she got it right. After getting it right, she said she was going to help 100 patients and that was it. She’s now helped around 22,000 people with the product.

The latest version of the shirt incorporates ELI technology. The shirt includes a sticker that can be scanned with a smart device and then gives up the power of multiple devices and resources at your fingertips. It can take vitals, connect you to your doctor, and connect you with a community of people experiencing the same thing. To hear more about this and to hear about one woman’s determination, tune in to the second installment of View From Venus. If you liked what you hear be sure to share the episode with friends and family.

Host: Deborah Hamilton-Lynne

Guest: Cherie B. Mathews


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welcome to the view from Venus podcast I’m your host ever Hamilton Lynn this week I had the opportunity to speak with sherry Matthews she’s the founder and CEO of healing comfort after her own battle with breast cancer she was driven to create a product that would help post op cancer patients and allow women to heal and dignity and comfort the latest version of her shirt utilizes Eli technology listen now to my conversation with sherry man

so I am here today with sherry Matthews who is a friend and someone that I’ve known about her invention for very long time she’s the founder of healing comfort and the creator of the world’s smartest recovery shirt for people who have had mastectomies and other surgeries as well right right super happy to be here thank you them so I’m going to jump right in so like many many many other things that have come about inventions it came about by necessity and experience I don’t want to talk a little bit about the this was this was a this was something that was fueled by sort of frustration and anger correct when she realized what happened when the you left the hospital after you were supposedly recovering from a mastectomy major surgery major Sir how many other people would they send home that way that it it just had major surgery

well a quarter of a million women are diagnosed every year so I can’t even calculate the proper numbers for that but yes as a former IBM and computer engineering I did a lot of invention in that you know are in the end I was diagnosed with cancer even though I was an organic here long distance runner triathletes and everything cancer doesn’t discriminate really doesn’t and it’s just good to to understand that because one in eight women unfortunately and sometime in your life will be diagnosed with breast cancer so we must find a cure but I was diagnosed and I did about forty eight pages a research and I had determined that it was only diagnosed on one side but I determined that the best chance of survival for me was a double mastectomy removal both breast which is a horrific thing to try to research to find out that you have to have even more surgery okay so I actually had to present it to the oncologist and the surgeons and they of back in the day was two thousand one they say no we don’t take off healthy about body parts okay well I believe this is my best chance of survival so hi am I one and I went in to have a double mastectomy and when I woke up alone there is no way you could possibly prepare yourself for the first look or the feeling or the emotional no way and I they tried to get me trust in what they suggest which is a husband seen my husband’s used pressure being loose opens up in the front and I L. this to which tore can I I actually got sick on it so that is bad but the nurse got really upset with me asking me why did you bring this and I’m like wow this is my first mastectomy I don’t know and then I said why don’t you provide provide something for me why do I have to guess what kind of shirt to have did

I don’t know how do you how do you know what it feels like to have body parts removed and you know all the emotional part of that but as I started thinking about it and she was waiting for the doctor to have to do a new release Sir getting really kind of pissed off because I’m like okay so sprained elbow receives a sling three cover in and I’ve just had my body mutilated and got in trouble for guessing wrong as far as what kind of what kind of outfit even heard and I do you manage how do you manage what do you what do you suppose to wear so salt in the wound was you got into the wheelchair and she handed me to drain tubes in each hand one in each hand and I said ma’am I need my hands what do I do with these and why do I have them she says Wilder sewn into your body for two to three weeks I’m like you I don’t want to look at these and I need my hands she said don’t worry don’t worry we hand you will give you some safety pins so you can manage the drains I said safety pins so I can manage the drains this is my a post op equipment you’re giving me safety pins to pay say depends to append the drains to think about it to the outside of my husband’s use now throw up shirt and I’m gonna walk in my door and greet my children not happening so as I’m heading down the hallway I literally had like almost an out of body experience and I’m like you know I’m pretty sure if a man was Saluces man parts in his war against cancer they would never say Hey just bring your wife skirt to go home is non binding so I felt it was an atrocity to be told to bring something like my husband structure big loose bag garbage you feeling without my breast and so I vowed to myself if there’s any way that I could actually solve this for others how I was going to do it

so I’ve always called it the human dignity Sir yeah because I think that was your your main motivation you know besides helping others and and making sure no one else had that that horrific experience when they’re already having a horrific experience rific experience so talk to me a little bit about them that the healing indignity aspect of it is actually for women yeah the there’s not it’s not as a very undignified disease everything is pretty much cutting splicing dicing burning radiating killing has how they manage to seize currently although we are getting better immunology and and smarter targeted medicine was so it it yet and stem cell home but at the time and still today it’s a it’s just a brutal battle to get through and the dignity part for me was so vitally important because when you feel really unattractive alone to have something to help me manage the drains or the patient’s mansions rains and feel a little bit like a blanket on me and dignity is so vitally important and so the whole passion to start this whole business he’ll income for and with dignity was to actually solve that problem and that’s what I did

well when you mention going home to your kids I was just I I you know I’ve I’ve never heard you say that before and the thought just rushed through my mind how horrible that must be here’s their mother who was gone gone they’re afraid they don’t know if you know they don’t know what’s happening to use I just knew it was serious and I think a lot of little kids even you know from the beginning they think I’m not I don’t I’m not saying really young but all children when their mothers gone they’re not sure the mother’s going to come back and so if she comes back with these horrible drains safety pinned to her shirt what what are they supposed to think right away what is anybody’s because the thing was my husband supposed to think what am I supposed to think what are they supposed to thing the whole thing so basically my whole intention was to look like a person and not a science experiment because I felt like a science experiment I mean literally a science experiment

and you were you were an engineer and a scientist so manner you you’ve that’s that was your first thought so speaking of which you were if you were an engineer for IBM and a scientist and you had no entrepreneurial experience but yeah you were driven to be a founder and to create and to be an entrepreneur so talk a little bit about what calls that shift well the shift was there is no other way to solve the problem unless I came up with the prototype and so building prototypes is in my lane if you will but certainly not clothing so I mean I’m yeah I read somewhere where you got your you failed home make but I did stay below him I did I was trying to hurry up I had a basketball game and there was a plot so pants and they have hands that were like skirts so they’re very very large I didn’t have time and I did not understand the bottom barber part it just didn’t make any sense to me hello even works and I stapled and I came out she says you do know that I know the difference between us and I’m sorry but I have to go in staples really fast is very effective it’s short enough is works like that you know you failed anyways so what I did because I reverse engineer everything and that is what I highly recommend for any problem solving is to reverse engineer don’t just think about only in your head space I know what they’ve done and go backwards so for me to reverse engineer he was with coco Chanel the reason is the reason is is because she was a box of fabric just about everything about everything he was the boss but I I watched a movie once in a cellar with her hands on her hip and she goes no not good enough not good enough there is a god I know what that feels like if you doing microchips but I didn’t know you know how to create that to fabric and so it took me many many many tries many different vendors to try to get material that’s kind of like a Nike dry fit is super super soft moisture wicking material but then have they’ll crew opening because you can’t move your hands very much you can’t brush your own teeth very well we can’t lift you can’t live you can’t do anything so self dressing is really a partner gets back to what you’re saying about the dignity

so the design itself I made a prototype and I went to join fabrics basically cried on their doorstep like a white kitten trying to get in a please hold me knows my prototype because I knew I had ever prototype the weird thing was I get a phone call fox news coming to my house to do an interview on my a new invention of I’ve told one person in all of Austin in their coming I was on TV with things that I got from of the cattery thinking I want this all of this crazy it was just crazy I’m holding on to the velcro buttons that are still cons so tightly in peel off on TV when they did clear a close up on my hand but this is a prototype this is what invention is about and so I designed and after watching coco Chanel I had the confidence to say no not good enough and then I found what was good enough and with my thousand dollar bootstrap start out which I got inspired because the founder I got to listen to the founder of toms shoes Blake yeah casket yes all at home says by cell phone yes yes in I sat there and go wow because he he spoke about his phone and he was slighted over for the different departments and his friend to say all this is the shipping department how can I help you and they the bootstrap right and I thought to myself and then there was a great talk I remember do you yeah and and that was the the fire under me to say I’m doing this I’m gonna bootstrap to slight Blake

in so thousand Bucks and the girl was a thousand Bucks a hundred hundred patients a Johns yeah I want to get a and and well you yeah you did you did you really think that a hundred page I really didn’t know for sure I wanted to not really dwelling cancer stuff is hard it is hard it is hard to yeah it’s very emotionally draining but is also very rewarding it’s a calling it becomes a calling versus just a mad invention thing and so the hundred goal was met in Austin and now we are celebrating almost twenty two thousand souls

that’s wonderful so let’s talk a little bit about that journey so you started out and I know there been there been a lot of lessons learned and frustrations and things like that along the way so you have a great idea it’s an it’s an idea I think I think one time you told me it should be something that either or help someone share Lecter I okay bowed her share Lecter either solves the problem or serves in need and it did both yes and so I felt like I had a winning combination because it’s not an either or both so solve a problem server need for don’t start a business and when did this become full time well we got past the one hundred and I started getting calls and emails and people reaching out for their mom for their sister and I’m like you know I’m talking about fifty calls a day of people just asking questions I can’t find anything I’ve been googling I’ve been a Walmart you know all these place right and and they’re confused and scared me just wanders their problem solved and that is what is mom going to where you know she’s crying Morrible dot then she is worried about other things and I’m like yeah because people choose clothing everyday we have to make decisions there is no decision making when you don’t know what you’re going to look like or feel like and when they tell you that you can’t even barely brush your own teeth because the movement is so limited then you really start freaking out here like well that means you don’t put a slip over your head you don’t put on a tee shirt you don’t step into something you can even pull anything

well in the first thing people would say to me if the drains were all over the place is the drains instead of at least when you have on the shirt your your hidden there hidden and discreetly you know that’s that’s a wonderful thing so as far as lessons learned in things starting out you know your goal obviously what you heard from other people and by the way if people should go on Amazon and read the reviews they really should read the reviews I should read what people say about the shark because it’s amazing I’ve had personal experience was sending it to family members and I can I can give the testimony but so you knew that it worked and you knew that it did the things you wanted it to do the problem was how do you get it out there how do you sell it how do you market it those kind of things so talk to me a little bit about that as all businesses do you get into that particular aspect of okay then I’m ready to pull up my boot straps let’s get going alone in getting it out there really organically instead of just you know I think it’s deeper when people tell your story I think it goes further in it last longer verses a splash when they have a personal attachment as in they tell a different story than they do or something saw something on a you know sixty seconds something flash home so I’ve been super super blasted people cared enough to actually tell the story even like what’s happening right now to be able to tell the story to encourage others to maybe invent their own suckle solve a problem or server need home he and I became very that’s how may word gets out there is by wonderful people with great storytelling capabilities to make a phone the story get it out of

frustration for me for healing comfort with dignity has been that I don’t I do not understand I’m I mean I sometimes feel like I’m a five year old stomping my foot every time we talk about this product because I feel like it should be automatically given to every woman and every hospital in an that has has surgery why what have what have you encounter what’s been the the issue first full yes that is my vision and this is why some of the efforts even today are getting the word out okay so I’m allowed to be honest yes yes okay well I had a track to the attention of a fight the billion dollar company and they contacted me and they said we all we want to do is we’re going you know the vision for healing comfort everything is you know they flew me over we had big conversations of what they promised verbally and through emails and everything was not what the attorneys do and the bottom line is this a lot of medical apparatus medical equipment the margins that the demand soul rediculous so like a a knee brace to give me example well a knee brace cost us two dollars and fifty cents and we charge five hundred dollars my house yeah while I’m like well that’s not my margin so you know

and this is the other weird thing like some other big box companies they can put in an order for let’s say ten thousand twenty thousand shirts which we were talking like this is a big deal they’re like okay so the contractors you’re going to sign is we will pay you fifty percent up all but then re reserve the right the day of shipping I can bring twenty thousand shirts right up to their shipping dock for them to receive once they would receive than they would of course pay the underpin nor the remaining balance but they reserve the right to say or we’re not accepting any product right now and then I’ll be moved up to me to take my renders to pay for shipping to re ship to some warehouse that doesn’t exist for fifty thousand shirts I need to wait for them to change your mind or say come on in and couple months from now well that’s how you break and burners that’s how you break because you become then you’re completely cash strapped and so I I said no because that hurts the end up in your so that’s been a little bit of frustration that way

but I will tell you if I’m allowed to say pretty soon rumors are that Amazon is opening up kind of like a medical distribution aspect of well I knew vertical for them because of the even smaller hospitals they have to deal with the same kind of like an antiquity excuse me antiquated type of a system to get what they want sometimes quantities that don’t fit for the smaller hospitals and some of the rural hospitals so they’re going to open it up in Amazon so people can have order twenty five wheelchairs instead of having a hundred fifty minimums things like that that’s the rumor is a we have positioned ourselves to go in on to be a medical device offered to that type of having you possibly that’s one of the goals I would be good I know reach more pathos I still think that they should you know it’s it’s just like I can’t I can’t even understand or believe that when I go and I have a sprained ankle they give me the thing to put on my foot they give you the thing to put on your arm they give you is lying why in the name of god would they not give you a shirt with drugs that’s custom made to take home yes it does my battle them and the the thing is is like a spring Dale receives more equipment to heal and then a woman has had a mastectomy and that is a spring noble receives a sling to heal in Hey and a woman has been basically mutilated and butchered and it feels like that does not receive standardize fair for all standardized equipment and that’s kind of the war path in a month I mean I am feeling with enough exposure this is going to get done

so you have chosen or out of necessity or obviously choice to to continue to bootstrap correct through this whole thing and so you haven’t you did say that you didn’t investigate the VC route but talk to me a little bit about that no I think it I think it’s for many businesses that is the only way to go you have to scale and you have to bring money in and you have to take those steps I looked into the angel investments we have some fabulous organizations here in Austin and that is not out of the room now I needed a story all the way from bootstrap to I think I’m pretty good proof of concepts like twenty two thousand souls so I believe I have my story and I’m actually been even flown into the U. K. to talk about the story which is the an inventor knew but no I’m ready for next steps I’m open minded to gene I’m into open minded to being acquired you know taking next steps in the seas are certainly a possibility without a doubt I have no problem with it I just needed to finish my chapter in my chapter is was the bootstrap but I’m ready

so you said to me one time that it was more helpful for you to study failures in entrepreneurship than success absolutely into you guys think that comes from your reverse engineering ideas well but tell me why it is very apparent to me that what is that ninety seven percent of businesses fail within the first three years and I’m like well why see that’s my brain is always the why so I went to vote not getting on to these little league raw raw meetings where you too can do it and you’re going to be a billionaire in six months if you follow ours Penn state eyes Phil I wasn’t though too interested in anything like that and I went after why do they fail and I’m gonna be honest like a a big portion of what I discovered about why they fail is the get the cart before the horse in the actually get into huge debt so they think okay I need money now because I have a an invention in my kitchen I have three prototypes that I need two million dollars okay right and so what happens is the when you get into debt before you’re actually ready to be in that proper dept healthy debt scaling that the get into fear because guess what does feces come Knockin what have you done where the projections and you know things like that are your margin way your margins where you’re everything there like they get into panic mode and and when you are in debt and in panic mode I believe the enter button or no longer becomes creative I think you’re mine kinda just shift gears into just pumping it out and selling it is finally on

the last the last interview I just did with Alexis John she said one of the things all entrepreneurs have to have his faith in themselves yeah and when you lose faith that’s when you flounder yes and the freedom to free think which is a to me is a goal constantly I will not be put in a box if something they live in and the right now of no I I believe SO much and free thinking the joy of the journey is actually being creative and watching a dream turn into reality and you can’t do that in a box you just can’t you cannot be that so anyway so I yes I reverse engineered I found a wide a lot of them implode monies of the home I think it’s more debt than even the money and I think bootstrap is cool I mean it it teaches you very quickly what works what doesn’t what your messages in like a fission cesium economy every end the best thing was all the weird people that come out to see how to take your business to the next level I just tell them yeah one bootstrapping like okay bye bye not it is great it was it wasn’t any money in the front is good at them away and now I’m always like a very good chess player I am always big ears for good angel investments I am always big ears for the proper organization the proper lane but I can now talk with great confidence and how and what works and what not you know I can’t be sold some little snake oil that they’re gonna take me to the next level when I know that that’s the principally not the way it works so it’s been great

well in this too has been one of those things where it’s been not only empowering for you but empowering for women yeah in in general talk to me a little bit about some of the feedback that you’ve gotten from you know from people that have used to have used the shirt well I’m gonna tell you my very first and favorite story and that was a lady that was I guess who’s ninety eight for her her daughter called me up personally and said my mother’s having a double mastectomy she ninety eight a lot and I’m like oh my gosh that’s a lot to go through in your older and she said yeah and so she got two shirts and you know I didn’t hear how did was expecting her back again home but I got a call back like six months later in your like you she says I don’t know if you remember me my mother’s ninety eight and she went through a double mastectomy flying colors she is doing great and she’s as I’d like to order two more shirts from like rule well can we talk about that because she’s already had a mastectomy you know she goes no no no no I have to tell you the story we were trying to get out the door my mother without brushes every construction she ninety staining or their granny pants panties up to her chest over the dryer Lakers waiting for the cake to come out and and I said mom we have to hurry we have to go and she said I am waiting for my healing comfort shirt get dry it’s because you don’t need that anymore and she pointed out I mean she goes you don’t understand I DO are a healing comfort does and she said sherry it’s her Blankey she won’t go anywhere without her little here not only ginger

Neil the physical needed for it to it it also was part of the feeling as part of her what she associates with as far as her recovery emotionally healing comfort represented to her somebody that cares great okay we get to be the very first to talk about a really really exciting addition to my favorite healing comfort shirt sherry it has patented correct received a patent for E. lie technology so I have not received that patent of the the people I’m working with are the inventors I am part of the company and part owner investor in company so it is a patented of product and it’s so exciting that I I can barely sleep at night and the reason is my particular sure is a of personal physical resolve but I also know that cancer patients go through emotional and spiritual attacks and the trauma in the head between the ears and how do you actually help people on a deeper level well my friend Jeff Jan Gibson try telling me a boat in vision II life technology and it was for the blind and she was telling me all about how it’s helping the blind I said Jan wait all my gosh let me talk to Rick right now because what you got what you’re doing for the blind I can do for cancer patients she because while so I got to meet the two inventors which is wrong Klein he’s the and father of possibilities he’s so prolific inventor and he actually invented the credit cards for all well yep in the New York Stock Exchange thing at the ticker right yeah an MLS listing and and then Rick Gibson’s ease like does rocket engines and things that he’s he’s an I. T. a guru and then there’s Dave bows who’s our investor and everything so he’s an amazing man too so we got together and I’m like I’m just tryna that this thing out and so I’ve always wanted the shirt to do some feedback where they’re they’re having a temperature if the patients you know walking around too much or not walking around too much and that’s a very expensive thing to DO nanotechnology interwoven into the shirt okay very expensive like ten million dollar startup type thing so this ends up being in the thing that looks like a cure code but it’s not the technology allows ten different platforms or IP to interconnect and create a menu of brilliance so for example we’re going to be giving to be C. R. C. unseating breast care center all hundred church each with this easy lie sticker on it and now within two seconds bedside the patient can take their smart device we even over the code he lie technology code and about a half a billion dollars worth of technology is now at their fingertips

I did it and it’s like abracadabra it comes right up and then you can personalize it yeah you can choose what you wanted to talk to me a little bit about some of the things that it’s that you’re going to be able to do with this technology yeah so so it’s in the cloud and currently I have placeholders and I have some technology that can connect people from all over the world so they’re having their first chemo and you’re scared you can get in some of these portals and Sam have my first chemo and other people from like all over the world can actually say me too let’s do it together so community it brings in knowledge brings in all test trial for medicines and things like that but that’s a place holder because in the future I’m going to be bringing modified reality augmented reality and currently we have even Alexa doctor a high so the patient gets to opt in to whatever the menu is they can choose pick and choose what they’re interested in not interested in and if they chose let’s say and they have an Alexa they can connect to the doctor hi in two o’clock in the morning they can say Alexa open doctor AI and they’ll say hello sherry how can I help you in their bed all by themselves and they can say I have a fever it runs through a hundred and ten thousand white pages to diagnose what the patients experiencing in at the end if it can’t diagnose or it’s a red flag through these white pages it’ll say would you like me to talk to our call your doctor now wow yeah

so it will be here so let’s say they’re having some symptoms that they they’re a little worried about but so many people it’s always on I’ve never been one of those that was that I was hesitant to call the doctor because I feel like I’m paying him there and I’ll call but let many many many many people don’t and so it will do that we want widely someone courage you to go you know I can’t find out why why you have a fever so maybe you should call the doctor yeah and this is a is just the type of X. though what’s happening and what is it ten thousand baby boomers are retiring every single day in America and at some point the hospital systems me be stressed by that so anytime move full thought provoking new invention to have home care or to least answer some maybe simpler questions at home is advantageous but when you’re a patient and you can’t even think straight you don’t feel like Google leading going down the rabbit holes so this is very powerful I. P. that runs it through artificial intelligence AI and it will come up with very eye sight ninety percent accuracy rate right now

and it’s amazing so so the good thing is you’re going to be able that’s in addition to the healing comfort I mean it’s added value it’s not you’re not charging and I am not and how are you able to do that because I can because I know I will as part of the company and I have their blessings to and as they’re helping the blind eye and helping cancer patients and so with these little stickers can be removed by the patient or they can completely utilize them every single day if they want to and the cool thing is they can even send the code to other cancer patients and and share the knowledge and share that with the wisdom of hang curated IP platforms to help emotionally spiritually physically every aspect of the journey no one should ever face cancer alone nor should they be on informed he should be empowered they should know their their questions and answers that they were going to bring to the doctor they shouldn’t feel like a victim they should feel like I understand what’s going on what my next steps are I’ve got a community behind me can you imagine reaching all these people buy a two second wave of your phone over shirt

it’s a crime so he comes back to a we we’ve come back to the this is this is the perfect interview you know when you write stories as since I’ve been around forever they draw snake and the snake eats its tail that supposedly a perfect story in a perfect interview we’re right back to where we started which is this is all about giving people that dignity and all about you know just exactly what you just said it’s about connection it’s about community and it’s about something that was born to server named and to have a purpose and that’s your purpose to help solve the problem server need and yeah the the blessing is that in Austin Texas that in the believe it’s going to be February fifth we will be home announcing to the world in Austin patients again will be the beneficiaries of the experience that I’m trying to bring to the cancer patients and added value to the healing comfort shirt that opened at one more thing I now have just filed one week ago a utility patent but it’s a global PC teak of Patton so it merry old technology with new technology and so that’s pretty exciting like I’m really excited about that

I think it’s all very exciting sure sherry Matthews healing comfort check it out if you have any I I can be that I can testify if you have anyone that might benefit from a shirt that will help them recover with dignity it’s healing comfort dot com healing comfort dot com in the same prices flowers but it’s helpful for over a year same price yeah well that will will that’s right and you can you can pass it down again my sister in law gave her to you know sort of like you tell a friend and you tell a friend you tell a friend would yell just exactly what you’re talking about organic marketing and for the man I have the recovery shirts silly and have to go to a pink site men get breast cancer to Olympus alone right I

can I use that shirt for other types of surgeries yes we we’re helping now we’re helping organ transplant heart surgery shoulder surgeries losses and yeah I actually created the black for the veterans black colored shirt because that’s the only color that works for them as far as special ops color it’s acceptable to all branches so I have a really cool black one but my sister who’s in rock and roll wanted it for Dave Stewart’s friend she says it has to be black then we don’t do anything in rock roll lysis black all right ceiling over rock and roll yeah thank you thank you do love you

thank you again sherry for sharing your story with us and for making such a difference in this world for so many I’m hoping that listeners will pass along the information about this product and let others know that it’s available to people who are breast cancer survivors view from Venus team includes may Dever Hamilton land producer Mariah Gosset an audio engineer Jack Wallace thank you everyone it found the media for your support view from Venus is available on iTunes Spotify stitcher or wherever you get your podcast thank you for listening