Fancy Plumbers and Quality Control – Science in the Mall, Y’all S02:E07

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What you’ll hear in this episode:

  • Different roles in biotech that suit your unique personality
  • The business side of working in biotech
  • Advice for aspiring scientists and those interested in bioscience careers
  • What a “fancy plumber” is

Do you see the big picture or like to focus on details? Do you prefer working alone or with others? Do you enjoy the creative process or are you more about perfecting things? Whatever your disposition, there’s a position in biotechnology for you. But it’s critical that you take the time to first, know yourself, and second, find the kind of role that fits your personality type.

That’s exactly what Mike and Amanda have done, and they get into the discussion in part two of their conversation in Science in the Mall, Y’all. As we know, Mike works in Downstream Processing at XBiotech, manufacturing antibody therapies as what he calls a “fancy plumber.” And Amanda, having recently left a position at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies in Texas, now works in her preferred niche of Quality Control and Quality Assurance at National Resilience in Florida.

Mike describes the love/hate relationship between manufacturing, where he works, and QA, where Amanda works, as a little like “sibling rivalry.” While they work for different employers, every biotech company has both departments. They both serve important roles in creating and purifying medications and making sure every “t” is crossed and every “i” is dotted. Literally.

Amanda’s role in QC requires an extreme attention to detail and adherence to protocol that, while at times can frustrate those in manufacturing, ensures the absolute safety of the medications produced. And for Amanda, a self-proclaimed “rule follower,” it deeply satisfies her need for things to be done right.

Mike, on the other hand, describes his role in Downstream Processing as more of “a destroyer.” He has more of a relaxed approach to his duties, letting “the cards fall and then figur[ing] it out afterwards.”

And because their respective roles are so well suited to their personalities, both say they would not want to switch spots with the other.

It’s important to remember that every position in a biotechnology company is critical to the overall process. And when you find a role that fits your personality, it can lead to a very fulfilling career. Mike and Amanda have both found positions that fit their unique personalities, and if you’re interested in working biotech, you can as well.

This is the second episode in Amanda and Mike’s two-part discussion. If you haven’t already, go back and listen to part one. And listen to the full episode to learn more about ACC’s Bioscience Incubator, the importance of finding a job that fits you and not the other way around, and what exactly a “fancy plumber” is.

Science In the Mall, Y’all is a founding_media podcast created in partnership with the ACC Bioscience Incubator.

Host: Dan Dillard, founding_media.

Guests: Nancy Lyon, ACC Bioscience Incubator Director

Amanda Brown, former ABI Intern and QC/QA at National Resilience.

Mike Delisi, Former ABI Intern and Downstream Processing at XBiotech.