Podcasting & Sales Enablement

We’ve talked about the interesting ways that the podcasting medium has developed in its relatively short lifespan, and how it’s clear that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. The longer podcasting sticks around and the medium develops, people are finding new ways to utilize the format. 

Storytelling is at the core of podcasting, which is why there are so many unique applications for this medium. While the stories we tell in our corporate podcasts don’t start with “once upon a time”, storytelling is extremely prevalent in businesses and corporations – especially when it comes to communicating your mission, services, and value to your consumer. This is why it’s no surprise that podcasting and Sales Enablement are the best duo since iPods and RSS Feeds. 

What is Sales Enablement? 

Sales Enablement is a new term on the corporate scene, but it’s starting to gain as much popularity as “synergy” and “circle back.” Sales enablement is “the strategic use of people, processes, and technology to improve sales productivity and increase revenue.” It’s essentially the process of providing your salespeople with the right resources, tools, best practices, and knowledge to sell most effectively and thus increase your company’s revenue. It involves sales departments and marketing departments, and combines strategy with communication and execution to drive sales. 

Sales Enablement is founded on efficiency. On a macro-level, sales enablement will empower your sales people to learn the “old tricks of the trade” and gain corporate knowledge specific to your organization without investing years of experience into the role. This means that their experience will instead hone these skills, instead of wasting time learning everything through trial and error. 

In the day-to-day, Sales Enablement will save your sales people time because they will learn how to optimize every interaction with a potential customer and maximize every engagement point. This cultivates deeper, more authentic relationships between your sales team and your customers so that you’re not only doing better business, but also gaining more business in the short- and long-term. 

Speaking of which, Sales Enablement strategies are all about the long game. You’ll have a process in place by which you can refine your best practices, communicate those to your team, and then collect data to review how those specific efforts affected sales performance. This gives you insight into how you can improve your sales strategy, and then the process begins again. 

Why is podcasting a great tool for sales enablement? 

Sales Enablement strategies require a lot of cooperation and collaboration between the sales team and the marketing team as well as other departments across your organization. When it comes to broadcasting uniform messages across your internal teams, podcasting is a great tool to have in your corporate Sales Enablement toolkit. 

Rather than having your best salespeople train your newer team members on a case-by-case basis, you can record their insights and experiences into an engaging podcast that will be easy to share and disseminate across your team no matter how big it gets. It will also create connections between these leaders in your organization and newer people in your organization. A new employee is more likely to reach out to a leader in your organization after hearing them on a podcast and having a touchpoint to start a conversation or a connection already established.

Podcasts also give you the opportunity to intentionally curate a message and narrative, so that you’re in complete control of what your Sales Enablement strategy is communicating. It’s also a timely medium that doesn’t take years to produce, so the messages you share in your Sales Enablement podcast can be adjusted in response to changing business needs and industry events. 

By sharing your message through a podcast, you’re also ensuring that it is uniform across all your teams and aligned with other departments such as marketing and branding, so that your corporation’s story is consistent and infused in your sales practices. 

Establishing and developing your company culture with your internal sales team, defining your sales objectives and best practices and communicating them clearly in one uniform broadcast, giving the leaders of your organization a safe platform where they can speak authentically, and creating a continuous conversation are just a few of the ways that podcasting can optimize your Sales Enablement Strategy. 

There are many uses for internal podcasting in the corporate world and beyond – Sales Enablement is just the tip of the iceberg! If you’re an Austin or Hill Country based business looking to invigorate your sales team, reach out at [email protected] for information about the podcast production process and what we can do for you.