Internal vs. External Podcasts — Which is right for you?

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve noticed the consistently rising popularity of podcasting since its beginning nearly two decades ago. And as generally happens, the business sector has gotten wise to what the consumer domain is already well-aware of — podcasting isn’t going anywhere any time soon. 

As a savvy modern person, you’ve likely noticed that companies are using this medium for both internal training and external communication. 

Enter corporate podcasts. The benefits they offer to businesses, employees, and consumers alike are myriad. And unlike traditional print media and websites, podcasts free the audience up to listen while doing other things.

Of course, you know that already — that’s why you’re here. Once you decide to embark on the corporate podcasting journey, there’s one very important choice you have to make: internal or external.

The names say a lot, but not everything. Read on to understand the difference between the two, and to decide which will best serve your company’s goals.


Internal Podcasts

What are they?

Internal podcasts are produced by a company with the express intent of reaching its employees. They’re usually made with the help of a podcast production service, after which, they’re privately distributed internally. Internal podcasting is invaluable in reaching employees in ways and spaces that traditional training and company culture building materials can’t.

How they’re used:

  • Internal communications — Ensure all your people are in the loop with company news. 
  • Culture building — A great way to share your company’s stories, values, and wins in a voice that is distinctly yours.
  • Sales enablement — Provide your salespeople with the tools, knowledge, resources and best practices they need to maximize sales.
  • Learning and development — In every role and at every career stage, help your people learn strategies, build skills, and introduce them to innovative ideas.
  • Onboarding — Give employees that are new, either to the company or their position, the tools, info, and advice they need to succeed in their roles.
  • Employer of choice/retention — Increase employee retention by making your company a place people want to stay.  How? Effective communication and information dissemination through internal podcasting. 

Bonus Tip:

Ask for your staff’s input and feature team members who are showing excellence in their roles. It’s a great way to ensure buy-in.


External Podcasts

What are they?

While internal podcasts are employee-focused, external podcasts turn outward, focusing instead on connecting with non-employees, though employees might enjoy and benefit from them as well. In this type of podcast, your target audiences are stakeholders, end consumers, and prospective clients and customers.

How they’re used:

  • Amplify your brand voice — Become a household name by giving your public an easy way to engage with your brand. 
  • Provide interesting content — Inform and educate your audience about your company, industry, and exciting things on the horizon.
  • Give insights — Lend your expertise as a thought leader, giving listeners intimate insight into your company’s story, processes, and benefits to them.
  • Communicate brand values — Allow listeners access to the why behind your company vision.
  • Generate interest — People can’t be excited about what your company offers if they don’t know about it. Give them the chance to become excited!

Bonus Tip:

External corporate podcasts are a great way to establish yourself and your company as thought leaders in your industry. You’ve spent years becoming an expert … don’t keep all that wisdom to yourself!


How to Choose?

So, which type of podcast would suit your business’s needs? If you’re still unsure, check out the following lists and see which of the two better applies to your company. 

We are:

  • A company with A LOT of employees
  • Growing rapidly as a company and have lots of new employees on an ongoing basis
  • A complex company with BIG and nuanced issues that are too sensitive for public consumption, but our employees need to be kept in the loop

We are:

  • Trying to grow our company’s brand awareness
  • Publicly traded and want to communicate our story, culture, values, and methods with stakeholders
  • A growing company with an interest in expanding our customer base
  • Interested in adding a personal face (and voice) to our business

If the first list resonates with your needs, an internal podcast might be what you need. If the second sounds better, and external podcast might be what the doctor ordered.

Still can’t decide? Maybe your company would benefit from both. Either way, founding_media has you covered. Whether you’re Austin-based, in the wider Texas Hill Country area, or on the other side of the country, founding_media has the tools and expertise to make the perfect podcast for your company. And we’re ready to use them. Reach out to us at [email protected], and let’s get started on making your business beautiful — on the inside and out.